Sunday, October 19, 2008

Canton Cove

My mom wanted to show my Grandma pictures of my place so I thought I would share them on the blog.

More Pictures of the baby!
Watching the Steelers/Bangles game in the square. Here We Go! Steelers, Here We Go!

Mahaffy's (My favorite B-more bar) after the Knitting Party.
Yes, I went to a knitting night on a Saturday!

My Backyard! The Bay! This is what I get to see
when I come home after a long day.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Camera

I finally got a new camera! It's charging now so I will be updating my blog more often and you will be able to see all the exciting things that are happening here in Baltimore!

Friday, October 10, 2008

So this is Charlotte Mae Rose Favorite! This picture was taken at the vet about a month and a half ago. It was so cute I asked them to e-mail it to me. She is in intensive, private home training and is about to have a dog walker starting Monday. She is so spoiled!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thought I would follow in the foot steps of Katie and share all the fun things going on in my life here in Baltimore. Nothing as exciting as an adorable, new, human, baby, but my English Bulldog (don't worry she is a Gators fan) is pretty cute. Pictures to come.