Sunday, August 8, 2010

"New Thing" 8-8-10 Duckpin Bowling

So, I have decided to dedicate this blog to my quest to try at least one “New Thing” a week. The “New Thing” does not have to be wild and crazy, just different (something I have never done). I’ve done this in the past, but I am truly giving it my all and plan to record it on this blog. Most of my adventures will take place in the weird and wacky city of Baltimore! This week I went duckpin bowling at Stoneleigh lanes on York Road. Jenna asked me to tag along with her, Andy, CiCi, and her mom Karen. I have wanted to go for a long time now. It is a very Baltimore thing to do and I love Baltimore. Duckpin bowling is bowling with a tiny bowling ball. It’s almost like bowling/skee-ball. Also, you get three tries instead of two when duckpin bowling. Like real bowling, I proved to be miserable! Very inconsistent, I would have a strike, then 5 gutter balls, then a spare. If you are in Baltimore give it a try! I am totally going back for bowling and karaoke on Fridays!

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